Q1: 9.12

\(\mathbf{S_n} = \frac{23}{24} \mathbf{S} = \begin{pmatrix} 0.01061 & 0.00768 & 0.00782 \\ 0.00768 & 0.00615 & 0.00575 \\ 0.00782 & 0.00575 & 0.00649 \\ \end{pmatrix}\)

(a) Specific Variances

\(\mathbf{S_n} \approx \hat{\mathbf{L}} \hat{\mathbf{L}}^T + \hat{\mathbf{\Psi}}\), where \(diag(\mathbf{S_n}) = diag(\hat{\mathbf{L}} \hat{\mathbf{L}}^T) + diag(\hat{\mathbf{\Psi}})\)

Hence, \(\hat{\mathbf{\Psi}} = diag(\hat{\mathbf{\Psi}}) = diag(\mathbf{S_n} - \hat{\mathbf{L}} \hat{\mathbf{L}}^T)\)

\(\hat{\mathbf{\Psi}} = \begin{pmatrix} 0.000166 & 0.000000 & 0.000000 \\ 0.000000 & 0.000495 & 0.000000 \\ 0.000000 & 0.000000 & 0.000639 \\ \end{pmatrix}\)

(b) Communalities

\(\sigma_{ii} = \ell_{i1}^2 + \ell_{i2}^2 + ~...~ + \ell_{im}^2 + \psi_i\)

\(h_i^2 = \ell_{i1}^2 + \ell_{i2}^2 + ~...~ + \ell_{im}^2 = \ell_{i1}^2\)

\(h_1^2 = 0.0104, ~ h_2^2 = 0.0057, ~ h_3^2 = 0.0059\)

(c) Proportion of variance explained by the factor

\(\frac{s_{11} + s_{22} + ~...~ + s_{pp}}{h_i^2} = 0.9441\)

(d) Residual Matrix

\(\mathbf{S_n} - \mathbf{\hat{L}}\mathbf{\hat{L}}^T - \mathbf{\hat{\Psi}} = \begin{pmatrix} 0.000000 & -0.000166 & -0.000164 \\ -0.000495 & 0.000000 & -0.000493 \\ -0.000637 & -0.000637 & 0.000000 \\ \end{pmatrix}\)

Q2: 9.32

(a) S PC

YrHgt 0.566 0.734 0.87
FtFrBody 31.179 83.935 24.022
PrctFFB 0.601 1.488 2.742
Frame 0.296 0.39 0.415
BkFat 0.014 -0.006 -0.055
SaleHt 1.021 0.934 0.82
SaleWt 122.551 39.068 -17.48

(b) S ML

YrHgt -0.001 0.581 1.629
FtFrBody 21.802 84.458 31.383
PrctFFB -0.253 2.155 1.056
Frame 0.019 0.307 0.817
BkFat 0.033 -0.015 -0.027
SaleHt 0.498 0.841 1.532
SaleWt 119.136 33.925 38.8

(c) R PC

YrHgt 0.941 0.27 -0.082
FtFrBody 0.447 0.794 0.205
PrctFFB 0.262 0.859 -0.295
Frame 0.938 0.219 -0.028
BkFat -0.231 -0.339 0.812
SaleHt 0.833 0.419 0.109
SaleWt 0.352 0.43 0.722

(d) R ML

YrHgt 0.941 0.286 0.164
FtFrBody 0.414 0.505 0.553
PrctFFB 0.231 0.947 0.212
Frame 0.891 0.251 0.18
BkFat -0.256 -0.514 0.273
SaleHt 0.755 0.269 0.434
SaleWt 0.253 -0.05 0.879

(e) Compare S & R

The results obtained using covariance matrices are hard to interpret here. Since there are three kinds of units used: pound, inch, and self-defined scales(1-8), the factor loadings on some variables are very large and others small.

Interpretation of the factors is straightforward using results obtained from the covariance matrix.
By (c) and (d), 1. factor 1 has larger loadings on YrHgt, Frame, and SaleHt, which are all related to the heights of the bulls. 2. Factor 2 has large loadings on FtFrBody and PrctFFB and is negatively related to BkFat in both methods(PC & ML) of factor analysis. It might be called a lean factor. 3. In both PC & ML method of factor analysis, the loadings of factor 3 is large on SaleWt. The loading is also large on BkFat from the PC method, and the loading is medium on FtFrBody from the ML method. Factor 3 might be related to the weights of the bulls.

(f) scatter plots of factor2 vs factor1 in (a) and (c)

The point, 51, in the scatter plot on the left and the point, 16, in the scatter plot on the right seem to be outliers.


(a) Appropriate number of factors

By the unity criterion we use 4 factors1.

X1 0.131 -0.215 0.905 -0.044
X2 0.953 0.212 0.05 -0.023
X3 0.293 0.899 -0.165 -0.043
X4 0.027 -0.091 0.955 0.054
X5 0.933 0.261 0.111 -0.076
X6 -0.083 -0.043 0.041 0.994
X7 0.228 0.918 -0.23 -0.028
X8 0.057 -0.224 0.935 0.051
X9 0.935 0.276 0.073 -0.048
X10 0.273 0.896 -0.199 -0.016

(b) Label the Factors

  • RC4: 有利成分
    此因素在第 2, 5, 9 題有較高的因素負荷量。這些題目似乎皆與健康有關。飲料能提供營養或避免添加不健康的物質,似與此因素有關。

  • RC1: 有效解渴 此因素在第 3, 7, 10 題有較高的因素負荷量,這些題目皆與飲料是否解渴有關。

  • RC2: 獨特風味
    此因素在第 1, 4, 8 題有較高的因素負荷量,這些題目皆強調飲料的口感

  • RC3: 綠能包裝
    此因素僅在第 6 題有較高的因素負荷量。第 6 題是一獨特的題目,所有題目中僅其強調環境因素。因此一個因素僅在第 6 題有較高的因素負荷量顯得相當合理。

(c) Average factor scores of each brand

Average factor scores

有利成分 有效解渴 獨特風味 綠能包裝
Pepsi -0.629 -1.008 -0.107 0.354
Coke -1.215 -0.403 0.194 -0.177
Gatorade 0.420 0.928 -0.980 -0.077
Allsport -0.177 0.666 -1.074 -0.181
Lipton tea 0.885 0.085 0.613 0.031
Nestea 0.615 0.122 0.821 -0.044

(d) Interpret the positions of the six brands

在不考慮綠能包裝下,可以從各散布圖中看出 3 種飲料類型:

  1. Pepsi, Coke: 碳酸飲料
  2. Gatorade, Allsport: 運動飲料
  3. Lipton tea, Nestea: 茶飲


  1. Although factor 4 is less than 1, it’s eigenvalue is very close to factor 3, hence we retain factor 4.